Protecting Your Data from Everyday Calamities

As a business owner, you depend on your data. In fact, you probably couldn’t operate a single day without it. But this could mean trouble if you faced an unexpected everyday calamity.

Business owners back up their data a variety of ways—to local servers or appliances, drives, or USBs, or to the cloud. But not all of these approaches are equal, and some may even put your data at risk when the unexpected happens. Fortunately, our managed backup solutions can back up your data securely and restore it quickly whenever it’s needed.

 Your data is fine ― until it isn’t. Files or email accounts have disappeared due to security incidents such as ransomware, business email compromise, or malicious insiders. Or perhaps you just want to recover deleted data that’s gone for good, since it exceeds the Microsoft 365® data retention policy.

This could be a moment when your business shines if you’re using Backup for Microsoft 365®. This online backup service protects your Microsoft data in any condition. Files accidentally or maliciously deleted? SharePoint site deleted several years ago? Network locked up by ransomware? All of these issues are solvable swiftly with Backup for Microsoft 365.

Buy the end-to-end solution that will protect your business, give you peace-of-mind, and make it easier for you to protect and recover all of your Microsoft 365 data.

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